
Showing posts from March, 2006

Ink Rain Stain

First spring precipitation was nothing more than a drizzle, but it looks like a setup for some good rainfall. We need it here in the Hill Country, so you won't find me complaining. When Tigua and I got home from work last night we were as black as tattooing ink. By the time I got the two of us showered and oiled, there was but little sign of the black sludge, save for the two tire spots at the front door. This morning I beat the rain coming in and it looks as if it will slow down in time for me to have a good ride home, and this time without the black road dust blended so smoothly into the light rain. Thunder cracking sounds and lightning flashes made their way into the building this morning shouting the message that inches of water were coming down. Good for me the black ink makins were washed away, but bad for the aquifer that will quench us from now until....... My 21 year old daughter asked me how I liked my wet ride in yesterday, I told her it was exhilarating. I could visuali...

Spoke Day

Today, I drive and that is a usual. Thursday is second job night teaching, bicycle commuting unfriendly, and long hours to boot. So, I brought my rear wheel in the car so I can take it to the shop this morning to have it re-laced with heavier guage spokes. It's funny what I find exciting, and this event is one of them. I want to be able to load the panniers and not worry about breaking spokes. This should be fun. Trip Planning Jorge, one of the young lawyers upstairs in legal has me thinking about a long trip to El Paso come late September. When I first met Jorge in his office I casually mentioned that someday I would like to take the trip to EP. He asked me why EP and I told him that was a good distance to ride (650-700 miles, depending on the route) and also that is where I am from. It turns out he is from El Paso too, and that he has already had long haul experience. It is something that I have only dreamed of. So this bike shop that I am going to go to today to take my wheel ...

Soft Spokin

By the time I get home this evening after work I will have a hundred miles in for the week, with a chance to get all I want tomorrow, so I can close out the week with a decent mileage for the log book. There was a pretty good head breeze this morning, I hope it doesn't bring any thunderstorms. But, oh well, I only have so many more chances to get wet in this life. I hope there are so many it hurts, get it? I ordered 50 new spokes yesterday. When I had my first broken spoke, after the new bike got about 1300 miles on it, the guy in the fixit shop said that I should think about getting a stronger wheelset for the bike since I ride it so much. I didn't want to hear that, but graciously accepted that. After some talking up with others, cyclists and other shops, I heard a lot of stuff, not knowing what the real deal is. You see, I've never had a broken spoke in my life of riding, and now I've had two. The second one came at about the 2000 mark. There is a new shop close by ...

Broken Spokes, Turning Wheels

They say when the mesquite are the only tree that knows when the countryside is going to have another frost, or not, before springtime is really here. The fruit trees, peaches, pecans, etc. Have routinely been burned by being duped into coloring the landscape, promising plumb edibles for the summer only to get frozen by mother nature's fickle tease of scheduling the new season. But the prolific mesquite is the only one, they say, that knows for sure and if you watch it close enough you can tell if there will be more frosts. I believe it. Well quess what? They are blooming, started last week. So by all accounts, many folks around here think there will be no more frosts this winter. Yes, it will be cool, but not frozen. Around here enjoying the cool is something that should be done just like one should be grateful for being alive, because when it it over, the heat comes, the relentless, energy zapping, water robbing, blistering heat will come, and stay forever it seems. And to ride i...

Delusioning Delight

136 miles last week. Weekend of because of company coming to town. Old friends are well worth the break, and I think my legs are happier because of it also. But I am still on track with cycling goals, and that is important. I got my commuter tuned up, made a sizeable payment on my Roubaix, and am wondering what to do with my Trek 1220 when I get the Rouby out of layaway. I don't know why I ate too much last night, but felt like eating from the time I got into my apartment until time to go to bed, and I did. I am still tired from the great weekend. Recovery time requirements grow exponentially as I march on in time spent here on this planet. Why do I think that since I ride to work on a bicycle that I am better than those who drive their SUV's? Why do when I see a seemingly lazy person who has gotten so overweight that it must be the point of no return that I gloat to myself for taking care of myself. Why do I go through these self stroking head trips when I know deep down I am ...