A Very Nice Slap In The Face
I don't know why I decided to sit in a different part of the church that Sunday. Being a creature of habit, I usually sit in the same area because, maybe I like the angle or feel comfortable around the people, who knows for sure. But that particular Sunday I decided to sit way back and way right, a place where I thought no one would go. Having sat off to the left of center and a little front of the middle for so many times, it was time for a change of location. I was early and claimed a place at the end of the pew, which reminds me, I have been guilty of thinking badly about people who show up for church early so they can claim the end of the pew, right in the middle of the church imposing discomfort those who have to crawl over the seated rascals clinging to their end position. Most folks look around and decide to get an easier passage to their seat, so that when the usher has to do his job, folks will finally get to tromp over the end huggers. But this piece is not about them tod...