MS 150 Pictures

It was dark and it was a drizzly beginning for the BPMS150 ride from Houston to Austin. Of the 5 or 6 cameras used by the group, all the 5:45AM group session pics came out spotty. I think I count 30 that showed up for the group picture. I think in all there were around 40 of us, but that number is not official. The Texas General Land Office (GLO)Team was a terrific group and I believe a good time was had by all. I haven't received a total figure that the GLO Team collected yet, but will post it when I find out. Thanks to all of you that supported me. Oh, and all the pictures you will see are of us either getting started, or taking a break. Some day the MS150 camera folks will be sending picture proofs sell to us. Maybe I can get an action shot or two when that time comes. If we can ride as good as we break still remains to be seen. If you want to see a picture better just click on it to enlarge. We actually found a not so crammed place in which to park the bikes at one of the stop...