Riding a bicycle for transportation this time of year is about the best thing a person could be doing. The weather is perfect, the fragrances of spring blossoms are everywhere. The sun hasn't reached it's major burning stage yet. The UPS guy delivered my wheels to the bike shop, maybe Eric will get them built pretty soon. Resource fullness isn't always pretty but most always functional. Looks like this guy made use of a burned out BBQ and used the grill as a rack. Bungee cords and used inner tubes will hold it down as well as whatever gets to ride on it. Mark, myself, Bob (pictured with beard) met his nephew, Evan Holtzman , for lunch yesterday. The cause for this gathering is because Evan is getting ready to ride some 4,500 miles from Austin to Anchorage, Alaska for the annual Texas 4000 . Evan will be graduating with his Mechanical Engineering degree in a few days, which helps make this ride as a momentous experience. Check out the link if you get a chance. The route spli...