
Yeterday three pennies were laying in the road, two were shiny and one was old. If my head was up with eyes looking forward, I would never have seen them. I was going up a hill in traffic, near a busy intersection, and rolling slow enough to stop and pick up those pennies. But I didn't. I kept going. Now if I were afoot walking, I would have surely picked up those three pennies, becuase that is the way I am. I like picking up pennies. This morning while riding in well before sunrise I looked up just in time to steer away from a cardboard box that was laying in my path. There I was again, head down, eyes down. I don't know about you other riders out there, but for me, if I look down enough, I am going to run over something sooner or later. It's much safer to keep the head up and the eyes looking forward.
On the other hand, last Sunday morning had I have had my eyes down just a little, I would have seen and perhaps been able to avoid running over the strap of metal that ruined my tire. Some times, it's durned if you don't and durned if you do.
If I would have stopped and picked up those three pennies I wouldn't be thinking about them, still.


Kirk said…
Get a recumbent. You naturally look forward when riding a recumbent.

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