Check The Settings
Feeling a bit artzy, I decided to take a picture of all the pigeons when they first fly off in a group. You know, like when they are foraging and someone walks by and they flutter instantly up and about, like the survival instinct they've learned when they think they are in danger of a predator pouncing on them?

There I was, set up, ready for a few more birds to gather, waiting for someone to walk by so as to cause a stir. With camera in hand, Roosevelt Leaks walks by and causes the best flutter one could hope for, I shoot, press the button at what I think is the perfect timing. When the picture showed up on the LCD screen, there was not a bird in sight. Only the bike. The camera has such a slow reaction to the the shutter button. Make that our camera, make that Marcy's camera. I bought it for her as a gift, but look whose using it. That's kind of like the husband who says, look dear you really need this new fishing rod. But back to the camera, I'm learning that bargain basement purchasing gifts for my sweetheart may not such a good idea. With such a slow shutter speed and the process time to see what you didn't get the picture of, this must be a low grade camera.
My complaining was over heard, and someone mentioned that I might check the settings on it. I knew immediately that was a good idea because I'm the type that likes to take things right out of the box ans start using it.

After all it says on the cover of the booklet, I was just a click away which is usually enough owner's manual reading for me. We will see what happens after I read the booklet.
Special Visit Payed
Last night My daughter and son-in-law came to visit for a while. What a great time that was. Jeff and Shawneen really brightened up my evening. I usually sit at my apartment waiting for the weekend to get here with these activities: getting in a short exercise, watching tv, reading in a book, twisiing the Rubik's Cube, doing laundry, watering plants, eating more than I should, and waiting for the chance to talk to Marcy on the phone. When Shawneen and Jeff were there last night, the tv wasn't on. We sat there in chairs and had meaningful familial conversation. Oh yeah, I'm grateful!

There I was, set up, ready for a few more birds to gather, waiting for someone to walk by so as to cause a stir. With camera in hand, Roosevelt Leaks walks by and causes the best flutter one could hope for, I shoot, press the button at what I think is the perfect timing. When the picture showed up on the LCD screen, there was not a bird in sight. Only the bike. The camera has such a slow reaction to the the shutter button. Make that our camera, make that Marcy's camera. I bought it for her as a gift, but look whose using it. That's kind of like the husband who says, look dear you really need this new fishing rod. But back to the camera, I'm learning that bargain basement purchasing gifts for my sweetheart may not such a good idea. With such a slow shutter speed and the process time to see what you didn't get the picture of, this must be a low grade camera.
My complaining was over heard, and someone mentioned that I might check the settings on it. I knew immediately that was a good idea because I'm the type that likes to take things right out of the box ans start using it.
After all it says on the cover of the booklet, I was just a click away which is usually enough owner's manual reading for me. We will see what happens after I read the booklet.
Special Visit Payed
Last night My daughter and son-in-law came to visit for a while. What a great time that was. Jeff and Shawneen really brightened up my evening. I usually sit at my apartment waiting for the weekend to get here with these activities: getting in a short exercise, watching tv, reading in a book, twisiing the Rubik's Cube, doing laundry, watering plants, eating more than I should, and waiting for the chance to talk to Marcy on the phone. When Shawneen and Jeff were there last night, the tv wasn't on. We sat there in chairs and had meaningful familial conversation. Oh yeah, I'm grateful!