Today I did not ride my bike, I rode my wheel chair. Here at work,we are having our Thanksgiving lunch, and I brought Gussie's Tamales in a large CrockPot, plus I have my second job tonight. There is a strong wind out of the north so I am missing that. Someone said a car is just another wheel chair. I thought about that on my way in this morning. I had plenty of time to think about it because the traffic was moving about 2 mph but the signs said 65. I pray that I don't atrophy.
On the West Mall
The University of Texas West Mall is a buzz of activity at high noon on most days. Two riders saw each other and immediately took up a lively conversation. I thought that was cool and if that would have happened back when people road horses, the horses would have probably touch noses or had some sort of greeting. I kept waiting for the bikes to do that.
Put The Stone Back
Some 30 years ago I went deer hunting with some friends right on the Texas/New Mexico line. The area is what I call a high desert with upthrust mountains scattered about. On the top of one of these desert mountains is where we got a large buck and then had the task of hauling it down the mountain. (I've long since stopped hunting). We were at the top and could see our camp down below, a tiny assortment of pickup trucks and camping trailers. They looked like miniature toys, that's how far away we were. It's a lot of work hauling a deer down a mountain, even for two guys.
Our first rest was against a large boulder that provided some shade and a place to lean against. I noticed some etching on that stone that said something like "Oro de Baca 1688" Now that's how I remember it, but for this piece it's just an example. Laying next to that huge boulder was a stone that probably weighed 30 pounds and it was etched with some symbol. I picked up that stone and tried to carry it and drag the deer, after about a quarter mile down the mountain, my partner suggested that I leave the stone because it was too hard to get them both down. I did. I looked around and got a bearing and told myself that I would come back to get that stone. I haven't and I think about it. I would like someday to go get that petroglyph and put it back where I found it.
On the West Mall
Put The Stone Back
Some 30 years ago I went deer hunting with some friends right on the Texas/New Mexico line. The area is what I call a high desert with upthrust mountains scattered about. On the top of one of these desert mountains is where we got a large buck and then had the task of hauling it down the mountain. (I've long since stopped hunting). We were at the top and could see our camp down below, a tiny assortment of pickup trucks and camping trailers. They looked like miniature toys, that's how far away we were. It's a lot of work hauling a deer down a mountain, even for two guys.
Our first rest was against a large boulder that provided some shade and a place to lean against. I noticed some etching on that stone that said something like "Oro de Baca 1688" Now that's how I remember it, but for this piece it's just an example. Laying next to that huge boulder was a stone that probably weighed 30 pounds and it was etched with some symbol. I picked up that stone and tried to carry it and drag the deer, after about a quarter mile down the mountain, my partner suggested that I leave the stone because it was too hard to get them both down. I did. I looked around and got a bearing and told myself that I would come back to get that stone. I haven't and I think about it. I would like someday to go get that petroglyph and put it back where I found it.