Licking Paws
The best news of all is that I rode a bicycle 10 miles to work today. Wow what a fabulous thing to be able to do. Able to do. I drove to the apartment at lunch yesterday to get the bike, and take it back to work. So that way I would get my 20 miles in, which I haven't done for quite some time now.
I raised the garage door, drive in. After parking before walking into the apartment through the laundry room I squeezed the tires to see if they needed pumping up before I left for the office. All good. When I went in the apartment seemed cooler than it should be, a bit drafty actually. I noticed that I forgot to open the Venetian blinds to give the plants sunlight, so I walked over to give them at least an afternoon's worth of vitamin D. That's when I noticed broken glass all over the carpet, and the outside screen laying out in the lawn.
I knew at that point I was the victim of a break-in. Sure enough the closet door was open with the light on. I never leave the closet open and never leave the light on. The initial slap of feeling violated made my voice shake when I called my boss. I don't know why he is the first one I called, perhaps because I wanted to pull off this car to bike switcheroo in a timely way.
Then I called the apartment office and told them about it. The I tried to call 311. I found out that my cell phone wont call 311, so I had to go to the office to call the police and give a report which resulted in a case number which resulted in the setup for more reports to come and the finger print folks to come out and the window repair crew to get a call.
OK, so I lost stuff. Stuff that I had worked for. But the one thing that I didn't work for hurts me most to lose. I was bestowed the keeper of my grandparents ring. It was his ring with her diamond on it. One of my aunts had the two pieces custom combined a while back and was quite a unique heirloom. And now it's gone to outside my grip and into the far reaching powers of the universe. A speck in the big picture and a wound to my heart right now. I know my heart will heal, I know the universe is in harmony, I know that I should forgive and I do for the most part.
I am married to a woman who has a beautiful heart, for which I am so lucky. I have two living parents, each a model for what people should be like. I am a member of a family that extends widely and diversely. I still have two bicycles, both of which fit me and allow me to turn the crank. All that stuff those robbers took is just stuff.
A side note of silly embarrassment. I remember that back when I was living alone and spending my weekends here in Austin, I went on rides virtually each and every day. Typically on one of the weekend mornings I would skip making my bed because I would put them in the washer and dryer. But for the first time in my memory yesterday I did not make the bed. I always make my bed on weekdays, except for yesterday. Those rascally robbers dumped the unwanted jewelry on my un-made bed and that both embarrassed me and made me angry. Isn't that funny? Those robbers think I don't make my bed.
I raised the garage door, drive in. After parking before walking into the apartment through the laundry room I squeezed the tires to see if they needed pumping up before I left for the office. All good. When I went in the apartment seemed cooler than it should be, a bit drafty actually. I noticed that I forgot to open the Venetian blinds to give the plants sunlight, so I walked over to give them at least an afternoon's worth of vitamin D. That's when I noticed broken glass all over the carpet, and the outside screen laying out in the lawn.
OK, so I lost stuff. Stuff that I had worked for. But the one thing that I didn't work for hurts me most to lose. I was bestowed the keeper of my grandparents ring. It was his ring with her diamond on it. One of my aunts had the two pieces custom combined a while back and was quite a unique heirloom. And now it's gone to outside my grip and into the far reaching powers of the universe. A speck in the big picture and a wound to my heart right now. I know my heart will heal, I know the universe is in harmony, I know that I should forgive and I do for the most part.
I am married to a woman who has a beautiful heart, for which I am so lucky. I have two living parents, each a model for what people should be like. I am a member of a family that extends widely and diversely. I still have two bicycles, both of which fit me and allow me to turn the crank. All that stuff those robbers took is just stuff.
A side note of silly embarrassment. I remember that back when I was living alone and spending my weekends here in Austin, I went on rides virtually each and every day. Typically on one of the weekend mornings I would skip making my bed because I would put them in the washer and dryer. But for the first time in my memory yesterday I did not make the bed. I always make my bed on weekdays, except for yesterday. Those rascally robbers dumped the unwanted jewelry on my un-made bed and that both embarrassed me and made me angry. Isn't that funny? Those robbers think I don't make my bed.