Another Year Brings More Birthdays

As you may already know, I take walks at lunch. Sometimes I walk past the Capitol building, go down town and make a big loop, or sometimes I go around the U Texas campus. Monday was the first day back to school for the semester which I knew would be a bustle after a few weeks of being a ghost town. The one thing I saw that wasn't typical was this young lady walking her rabbit. I stopped her and asked permission to take a picture. While doing so she explained to me that this was her baby rabbit who was not leash trained so well and wouldn't mind her, not like her other two grown rabbits. She, Becky, loves rabbits. It's kind of cute, don't you think?

Birthday Girl
There's mom with eldest son Scot. We were celebrating Marcy's birthday at one of the favorite Chinese restaurants in El Paso.

One way to communicate with April is to send her a text, her response is immediate. The fastest texter I've seen yet.

Marcy's sister Steph, always smiling, and Matthew loves sitting next to auntie.


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