No Cycling Today

Rain, wind out of the north, and my part time job tonight kept me out of the saddle today. Any day now, here, in the Austin area spring time will be here, leaving behind the cold wind from the north and replaced with the warm humid winds from the south, the Gulf Coast. So missing today is not a bad thing kowing better times will come.

As I was growing up, I had a bit of a rebellious streak in me that gave my parents plenty of grief. Mom has always been the woman I wanted her to be, and I still gave her plenty of trouble to lose sleep at night. Dad and I were at odds from the time I was about 13, according to my not so great memory. One day though, after a few decades, I decided that my dad had finally become the man I wanted him to be. I've changed myself quite a bit in the past fifeteen years, certain that for the better. Last Sunday I was sitting in church and it came to me suddenly that my dad may have always been the man I wanted him to be, but for me to recognize that, I had to become the man I wanted to be.


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