Since June 12, the last time I posted on this site a lot has happened. It seems funny to me that when things are so busy there isn't time to spend writing in the blog. And that's usually when I should be writing the most. The move from Austin to El Paso and getting the job in Las Cruces New Mexico has been a whirlwind of activity. I will attempt to fill the gap of these past couple of weeks mainly because many thoughts and ideas have come up. But for now suffice it to be that I actually got back in touch with the Internet world.

I did retire though, this picture of me and Andrew (my old boss) is supposed to be proof that I worked at the Texas General Land Office. This is at the goodbye luncheon. I received a very nice framed map of Texas, a letter from the Commissioner and a signed book that will be special momentous to me.
There are people here who ride bicycles, my new boss being one of them. That's pretty cool. I am having to work out the problem of long driving commutes which I will devote an entire post about that in the very near future.