I went Mountain Biking for the first time this past Saturday, on the invite of my new Director who belongs to a club of sorts. I used his cool bike, a very nice one indeed. I forgot the name of it, but it was a nice one with 29" wheels. Being the total beginner, I had some gnarly crashes but am alive to talk about it. I landed on my Camel Bak a couple of times, it makes a great cushion against the rocks. If not for hydration, it served well for protection.
Not far from the start was a monument set by the Bureau of Land Management, a location point for surveyors and GIS nerds like me. The trails were rough because of the recent rains and high temps. There is a plant that I had not heard of before called the White Thorn, a bush I now know pretty well. the trails were canopied by this pesky, but attractive plan, just high enough to scratch you up well from the kneecap down. I am wearing them two day old scratches on my legs like a badge of honor.

When the clouds decide to form, they form in a grand fashion. I've heard them called pop corn clouds, but to me they deserve a better name.

My little camera will never do the justice these mountains should get to show the magnificent presence they give as they stand there amongst the desert like royalty.

Ron and Riley share the Camel Bak at a break in the ride. You can figure who is who, they are both family.

I have written about the Caterpillar invasion. I finally stopped long enough to get a shot of one of them. The thorned guy must taste pretty bad because I saw no birds going after them and no ant attacking them even though both small and large ants were patrolling all around.