Lone Wolf

Beneath the morning shadows of Hueco Tanks lies an old wolf dog. May he be resting in peace in this sacred place in the desert. Hershey is his name. Hueco Tanks and the surrounding area are rich with an indigenous history of various Indian Tribes, Conquistadors, the Butterfield Trail, the US Calvary, and then, us. The resting spot falls in a basin of fertile loam surrounded by rocky desert mountains, serene, always a breeze, native plants and numerous game trails. Wolf Dog Hershey was a true individual amongst domestic canines. Most people who have pet dogs usually acquire their animal by going through a search for a certain breed, or to the pound to rescue, or a friend who has a litter, or some other form of hunt. But Hershey is the one who chose where he was going to live and who he was going to live with. He was wandering the streets close to the desert when he made a stop for inspection at Marcy’s house. That’s where he decided to stay. He wasn’t always obedient, and his want for r...