Shorter Days
As you can see it was dark when this picture was taken, which was around 6:15AM. It seems not that long ago when the sun was peaking over the tall mountain about 3 miles east of where I begin my morning bicycle commute. I noticed that today, the sun showed the top of itself at around 7:20. I've already written about how long the the dawn takes in these parts, so I can start to see the road and countryside well before the sun actually shows shows itself. It's cooling off a bit also, one of these days I wlll need warmer gloves and jerseys.
When I first started riding from this spot, the Landmark Mercantile Company, a place with horse equipment and medicine, all kinds of cool things to do work with, clothes and more. Jason McClure, the owner was very nice to allow me to park outside the property fence from the day I first approached him about the prospect of parking there. I get there before his business opens in the morning and get there when most of the help is gone at the end of the day. Last Monday though I had a favorable wind coming from the Northwest which allowed me to get there in record time. Jason was still there. He's been taking care of some dogs for a couple of weeks now and one of them got out that day. The gate was still open so I rode in expecting to tell one of the employees about the dog. Jason came out instead. After he dispatched a couple of guys, that look like 4F type students who work there part time after school, Jason handed me a key to his gate. What a great surprise that was. So now I am parking inside the premises which makes my care a bit more secure.
Another Squeeze Play
I don't want to sound like a complainer, but here's another picture of someone who is on the road acting in unsafe ways. The boy put the squeeze on me where the shoulder is rough. As proceeded about 20 feet, he looked in his rear view mirror to see if I had a reaction. I did. I spit in the street, my current expression of disapproval. He raised his right hand to signal I was his number one fan at the time.
Not too much farther down the road, Jesus Torres turned right into his mobile home park neighborhood. So yes, now I have his name, his address, his date of birth and all that stuff. I followed him into the trailer park and searched for his truck. when I found it, he was already inside which is a really good thing. I photographed the car and trailer ID, then went on my way. Since I work for the county, I by default have a connection with the Sheriff's department. the man has been reported.
Not very many people give me problems and when they do, they are pretty innocent, like hooting or hollering. Or maybe even tromp the accelerator to their diesel one ton so a bunch of black smoke will come out and get in my breathing air. I think those types of displays are laughable. They aren't really threatening. But when I get the intentional squeeze, I get really P-O'd. Risking life and limb, especially mine is nothing I take too lightly. So good ole Jesus will not hear from the law unless he has a warrant, or something else legally pending, but he will hear about it someday. The Sheriff's Department folks around here are cool with cyclists.

Another Squeeze Play

Not very many people give me problems and when they do, they are pretty innocent, like hooting or hollering. Or maybe even tromp the accelerator to their diesel one ton so a bunch of black smoke will come out and get in my breathing air. I think those types of displays are laughable. They aren't really threatening. But when I get the intentional squeeze, I get really P-O'd. Risking life and limb, especially mine is nothing I take too lightly. So good ole Jesus will not hear from the law unless he has a warrant, or something else legally pending, but he will hear about it someday. The Sheriff's Department folks around here are cool with cyclists.