Bicycle Nectar

The pre-dawn comfortably cool 54 degrees is very pleasant to ride in. Fridays seem to have less traffic, especially today because it’s Good Friday. I am not used to having to work on Good Friday, but that’s what I’m doing on this one. Mother Natures seems to me to swing to the extreme. The wind, the dry and stuff like that all are like accentuated. The spring flowers in bloom send out the aroma as like what happens all over the world at springtime. But there is something about the nectar that floats on the molecules that makeup air. It’s like if you breathe enough of it you might get a buzz.

On this day last year I was living in Austin and working for the State. I flew to El Paso to be with my family as I did most weekends. Good Friday is a holiday for the state. We walked up Mount Cristo Rey .
This year that isn’t happening, maybe next year.


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