Ride in the Drops

Have you ever noticed that when a group of weekend riders get together, maybe do a 50 miler, a century, or even more, or even less; that they ride up on the brake bonnets the majority of the time? Maybe you are one of them, I know I am. When I ride in events or socially on the weekends and when commuting to work, there I am, hands high on the handlebar.....
Well that's the way it was until I went to watch the Tour de Gila a few weeks ago. After observing the big pros in person, it finally hit me that these guys live down low in the drops. So now guess what I'm doing? Yep. It's for real. During my commute to work this week, I got a feel of what it was like to spend that much time down there. Whenever I needed to come out of the saddle and power up a hill, or get across an intersection lickity-split, it felt very good, better than I thought it would. There must be a reason for the handlebars to be setup that way... duh. You can't learn everything on Versus TV.