No Drive Zone

At intersections on most every road anywhere that has a right turn only lane, I use a neat trick that seems to keep me out of harms way as well as keep the motorized traffic somewhat happy with me, the rider. A lot of bicycle riders remain in the right turn only lane when they are going straight through the intersection. This is the wrong thing to do. Forget about it that it's not legal; legal schmegal. Don't get me wrong, I believe in riding legally. The state's drivers handbook says I the cyclist has a right to the road, but am supposed to be responsible when I use it. But what I am talking about here is safety, you know, survival.

Anyway there is this place in the road see, I call the No Drive Zone at an intersection that has a right turn only lane. When enough cars and trucks turn right in that lane debris seems to pile up in an arc shape. In other words, if a driver is half way through a right hand turn and if they look down to the pavement outside their window where they rest their elbow, they would see the debris, perhaps a penny or two in the mix of small gravel, some broken glass, one nail and a screw. And that's why you don't want to drive straight through in a turn only lane, you will pick either the nail or screw with a tire, usually the back tire. I don't know why it's that way, but it is.This is why it's called the No Drive Zone, hardly anyone drives there. When the street sweeper runs over it and picks up all the pennies, screw and nail, there is a remnant left; a permanent stain.

Now the person driving or riding through the intersection in the proper lane could view this very same same debris only it will be to their right. THIS is the zone. It looks sort of like a two lines at 90° that are tangent to the arc causes by the turning car. The other tangent is created by the folks driving through the intersection from your left. I hope you get this because my explanation skills are not that good.

So what you do is.. well first you have to be at the intersection in the proper lane which would be the right hand lane to go straight because you've already maneuvered yourself out of the turn only lane. As soon as you enter the intersection veer toward the debris filled no drive zone but not into it. Once you pass it, you veer a little more to the right looking at the curb on the other side of the intersection and line yourself up with where you want to be when you get there. By doing this you have put yourself in a very safe position at a busy intersection. Before you are half way through the intersection the cars behind you are gassing it to get where their going, passing you at a very safe distance.

Try it and tell me what you think.


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