Cabin Fever

It seems that taking three days off riding was good for me physically, but was taxing mentally. With the weather being so wet and cold, I thought it best to stay off the streets. Austin recorded over 500 motorized vehicle accidents during this icy cool snap. I confess that I did get out in it in my car to some extent, but for good cause in my mind, even though my pocketbook says otherwise.
If you haven't read Robert Hust's "The Art of Urban Cycling", you must. Talk about an open minded, person, who can see all sides of a view. And regarding the cyclying world living in a car world, that is something to have. Anyway after reading about his thoughts on helmets, I decided to get me a skateboard helmet, just like the ones you see on the snowboarders and ski jumpers on the olympics. They are actually pretty cheap, under 40 bucks. But the accomodation to, uh, yes, I like to listen to public radio when I commute. Low volume, car noise still gets in and I can hear what is going around me. Well, I had to get a new radio to accomodate this new feature of helmet and desire for news, that is what made the helmet's price go up. I feel that I have to factor in the new XM radio the MyFi xm2go into the cost of the helmet, since it is the helmet's fault that the old radio wouldn't work. So far I really like it even if I have to adjust from listening to Morning addition to the now old standby Bob Edwards, and This American Life. Two really good trades.
The ride today? Wet with drizzle, foggy, sloppy, cool, AWESOME!!


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