Easy or Difficult
For the life of me I cannot find the specific instructions on how to add my photo on the profile section of the blog. I am sure that it is so easy and sitting right in front of me, "if it were a snake it would bite me" type of saying. If by a miraculous chance you read this and you can explain it in terms that even I can understand, please feel free to do so.
My daughter came by the office so we could go to lunch before here 1:30 class. What a treat that was.
With my all consumed passion for cycling, I am hoping to land a part time job in a cool bicycle shop Bicycle sports shop , not so much to make money but to be around the business. Let's see what happens.
My daughter came by the office so we could go to lunch before here 1:30 class. What a treat that was.
With my all consumed passion for cycling, I am hoping to land a part time job in a cool bicycle shop Bicycle sports shop , not so much to make money but to be around the business. Let's see what happens.