The other day When Marcy and I came back from Houston, we happened across this bicycle traveler. His home country, Japan, his point of beginning Las Vegas, and destination Miami. He said he brought his bike from his home country. The chain rings seemed small and the rear cassette seemed large. Great for hill work, but not good for covering a lot of territory each day. Uto is his name and a very nice guy. He was looking for the international hostel, had the phone number an address. I left my phone in the car and jogged back to get it so I could call that number in order to help him find a place to stay that night. The number in the book was wrong, but that is another story. I called my mom real quick to get her to remind me what the name of the city my sister Judy lives in. When I got back I told him about it. He knew of the place and indicated that it was way north. I hope he found the hostel.

In Houston Marcy and I saw Grupo Mana, a fabulous rock band. Downtown Houston on a weekend and no sports happening is a tame place. There is an old Cathedral there, a terrific place to go to church. The mass was in Latin and totally traditional like from the days I went to OLV.

The weather was nice too, all in all a perfect weekend.