Under Cover

Day before yesterday I was on one of my lunchtime walks. Going up Guadelupe, or the drag as they say, I noticed a clean cut cowboy looking guy talking to some of the young homeless street dwellers. It is common knowledge that those youngsters that hang out on the drag and panhandle for food and money have the nick name of "Drag Rats". The western dressed man had some handcuffs in a leather pouch attached to his belt, so that told me that he probably had a badge or star somewhere else on him. He was talking to one particular drag rat and because I've watched too many movies and was raised on the border, it all looked like a confidential informant moment. And of course I forgot my camera. I think it would have made a great picture, seeing those two unlikelies chatting in the hustle and bustle of a sidewalk setting.
The next day, yesterday, I walked the same route. One notable thing was that there were far fewer drag rats at that corner but those that were there were being checked over by the city police.