Spring Cleaning
Way before Marcy and I got married I've known that one day I would be leaving this place. Then since our marriage, I definitely knew that in order for us to live together, I would have to make the plans to move. Move out of Austin, Texas and move into El Paso. Well folks, that time is very near, or at least the shot for it is. I am waiting for some information from a prospective employer so that I can make the decision. I have been reticent about all this in my writings up til now, and perhaps I should still be, but I'm ready to talk. I am both excited and qualmy about this major event. Getting married was the major event and packing up and leaving a culture in which I've lived for 28 years will carry to completion a chapter in my life.
I remember the first time I came to Austin for a visit in 1972 and became so energized with the place. I secretly put in the back of my mind of moving here someday. That day came some 8 years later in 1980. I actually lived outside of the city part of the time, but it was still part of Greater Austin. But the time is nearing that I depart this totally awesome part of the world. I am sure that I can make it totally awesome where I am going. I have family here and family there which will keep the connection alive.
I've communicated with only a few of the people I work with about my newest possibility of working someplace else. If anyone in this agency reads this, which I don't think they do, then the cat is out of the bag. I will make an announcement sometime next week if I get the answer I am looking for.
By the way the Bob Trailer hauls good and perhaps slips through the headwinds a little easier than the grocery panniers.
Last Sunday's Solo Ride
