You see that young lady over there jogging at 6:30 in the morning, already put in some miles, already worked up a sweat. Of course you can't see her because she is out of sight. But I'll tell you she is wearing makeup. There's only one reason why she would be wearing makeup even before the sun comes up. She's looking and hoping someone else is looking too. The late Townes Van Zandt wrote my song a long while back. "Still Lookin For You". Lucky for me I lived long enough to find you. The culture of Austin makes it easy to be physically active, and if you are looking it's always best to look your best. I still like the song, I like all of Townes' songs, but it's not my song anymore. Thanks, Townes for giving me eternal hope.
It looks like some last minute assignments are being done on the drag in the film class with this spontaneous interview.
The drag is empty, no bustling babbling students worrying about exams and grades for a while.
So as I go by listening to Muddy Waters, I turn it off to hear this young lady playing Bluegrass for tips. Less tips on the empty drag, but better for the sound.
Back in January of 1956 this photograph was developed. I belive it must have been taken on Christmas Day fo 1955, testifying to how nice Santa was that year. That was my first flyer complete with frong basket. Martha and Ronnie got fixed up too. No training wheels were there to get me started the softer gentler way. I can remember the scary days of learning to just let it go and keep a balance, with mom hollering behind me to just pedal. Awesome