Pedaling On Stern Road
The place where I park my car at around 6:20AM most mornings is 14 miles from the office. On that two lane road the traffic is anywhere from about 45 miles per hour to as high as 65. keep in mind this is a country road, so two lanes are pretty narrow. It is nice that the great majority of traffic gives a wide berth when overtaking me. 
Stern Road in a north westerly direction comes to and end, or tees with Union Avenue, which obviously presents a situation to where one has to either turn right or left. I go left, at least up to now because I don't know the town that well to risk getting to work late by exploring. Today as I negotiated getting into the left only lane and come to a stop at the red light, a guy in a car in the right turn only lane rolls down his window and asked me if I make this trip everyday. I told him yes, I try to. So we had a short conversation about distance and the like. He gave me a vote of encouragement. He said he noticed me everyday, that he passed me on his way to work. When the light turned green I bid him a good day and road away thinking that I had gained an ally while pedaling on Stern Road

Stern Road in a north westerly direction comes to and end, or tees with Union Avenue, which obviously presents a situation to where one has to either turn right or left. I go left, at least up to now because I don't know the town that well to risk getting to work late by exploring. Today as I negotiated getting into the left only lane and come to a stop at the red light, a guy in a car in the right turn only lane rolls down his window and asked me if I make this trip everyday. I told him yes, I try to. So we had a short conversation about distance and the like. He gave me a vote of encouragement. He said he noticed me everyday, that he passed me on his way to work. When the light turned green I bid him a good day and road away thinking that I had gained an ally while pedaling on Stern Road