You Can Ride.. A Mantra
You Can Ride
Yes We Can
Drill Baby Drill
Now here’s what I would like for you to do. When I finish this sentence and every other sentence, before reading the following sentence, say You Can Ride; or any of the other three word mantras listed above. You Can Ride. It seems that the folks that gave speeches in both political conventions ended sentences with their chosen mantra. You Can Ride. It didn’t take long for the conventioneers to get the hang of it. You Can Ride. It reminded me of some sort of brain washing You Can Ride. Maybe it gets the crowd in some kind of frenzied trance. (Don’t forget to say it, You Can Ride). Then those of us watching go into a sedentary trance. (Keep going, You Can Ride).
It may all have started long ago when television began piping in laughter letting us know what was supposed to be funny and queue our chuckles. It may be that today’s song lyrics contain three or four words sung over and over for maybe five minutes. Perhaps we have always been susceptible to slump into hypnotic states. Or maybe as a group we move like a school of fish does when each member gracefully turning in unison like a finely choreographed dance. It’s too bad that the American people are being played as really dumb creatures.
Don’t get me wrong I am still as hopeful, and maybe naively just like I was hopeful when I voted for McGovern. (Oh, did you forget? You Can Ride). And he lost. And I became discouraged. And if that lady and that war hero, who I admire for having gone through what he did, win this election, I will be discouraged again. You Can Ride.
The other afternoon I came across a freshly killed Western Diamond Rattlesnake. Its head had been run over, but the rest of the body was in good shape. I wish it had crossed the road safely, but I did remove the rattles for a souvenir.
These flowers open up way before the sun comes up and by afternoon they are closed. I am waiting and see what kind of fruit comes from them.
Yes We Can
Drill Baby Drill
Now here’s what I would like for you to do. When I finish this sentence and every other sentence, before reading the following sentence, say You Can Ride; or any of the other three word mantras listed above. You Can Ride. It seems that the folks that gave speeches in both political conventions ended sentences with their chosen mantra. You Can Ride. It didn’t take long for the conventioneers to get the hang of it. You Can Ride. It reminded me of some sort of brain washing You Can Ride. Maybe it gets the crowd in some kind of frenzied trance. (Don’t forget to say it, You Can Ride). Then those of us watching go into a sedentary trance. (Keep going, You Can Ride).
It may all have started long ago when television began piping in laughter letting us know what was supposed to be funny and queue our chuckles. It may be that today’s song lyrics contain three or four words sung over and over for maybe five minutes. Perhaps we have always been susceptible to slump into hypnotic states. Or maybe as a group we move like a school of fish does when each member gracefully turning in unison like a finely choreographed dance. It’s too bad that the American people are being played as really dumb creatures.
Don’t get me wrong I am still as hopeful, and maybe naively just like I was hopeful when I voted for McGovern. (Oh, did you forget? You Can Ride). And he lost. And I became discouraged. And if that lady and that war hero, who I admire for having gone through what he did, win this election, I will be discouraged again. You Can Ride.
The other afternoon I came across a freshly killed Western Diamond Rattlesnake. Its head had been run over, but the rest of the body was in good shape. I wish it had crossed the road safely, but I did remove the rattles for a souvenir.
These flowers open up way before the sun comes up and by afternoon they are closed. I am waiting and see what kind of fruit comes from them.
