Saturday, we went for a walk for heart health awareness and had these fine officers controlling the traffic for us. The bicycle/walk path was way too narrow to accommodate all the walkers which caused the crowd to spill over into the street. There wasn't much traffic at that time of day, so I don't think it was a hindrance to automobiles. It was a fun time that set the tone for a day of volleyball and chores.

On my way home from work Friday I was "squeezed by this truck. In my mind, I am certain that this driver was intentionally intimidating me by creeping into the bike lane just after his cab passed me. That is, the trailer was moving ever closer to me. By the time the rear tires were beside me, they were so close that I had no choice but to stop. The driver then eased back into his entire lane. This took place in Old Message, New Mexico, a small village-like town, where the traffic is fairly slow partially because of traffic lights and partially because it was rush hour. This truck had to stop at the next light and so did I. I got up next to him and tried to get his attention, but I could not see through the tinted windows. I have to be honest; I was fuming mad. To my surprise, about a half-mile ahead this driver pulled into a large lot to stop. I rode into the lot also, kept a distance, and took a picture of his cab. He didn't ask me my name, so he didn't know my initials were RJ. I think he thought they were MF. He said some harsh things, maybe three or four sentences worth of. I never said a word, just put the camera back in the pouch and rode off. My next step is to talk to the company and let them know they have a driver out on the road who has problems staying in his lane and assumes people's names before asking. In case you
If you click on the picture, it will become large enough for you to see that company that owns the truck is L & N Transport out of Phoenix, Arizona. The US DOT number is 567771 and the VIN is R075718. The only thing not on the truck is the phone number: 602-484-0563. Kind of dumb to be flirting with disaster, risking a life when your contact info is plastered all over your truck. If you want to call them up.