Hold the Reins Lightly

Odyssey is backed into my messy cubicle this morning. Kind of looks like a pony in a stall munching on oats before being released to the pasture. I haven't figured out Odyssey's gender yet, so I will just call him he. He's frisky on cool pre-dawn mornings, just loves to romp.
These past few days, Odyssey has been lucky because after I get coffee made and move him out of my work area, I park him in the same room I am in. Yes, he gets to stay in a controlled environment.... for now. Who knows, next week he might have to go out and be hitched up to a bike rack, the hitchin rack.
As we were heading almost due north this morning, as is the direction every work day morning, he kept reining to the west. Each time it happened I would have to pull him back toward the north. I've fixed reining problems with horses before, but Odyssey was pretty adamant this morning about wanting point his nose westerly. I think he wants to go to El Paso again. I might just give up the rein next time, we will both go.
Vale La Pena