Tame the Lame Brain

In yesterday's posting I wandered over to the life/mortality subject a bit. Of course in my true fashion, leaned toward the goofy side. Now keep in mind it's early in the morning when I post this stuff, my favorite time to spill jumbled pieces of thoughts out onto the page. Sometimes after coffee and becoming almost coherent, I think about deleting the posting. But no, I leave my "out there" musings here anyway.
Mainly yesterday's ditty was just another slant, tongue in cheek way of celebrating life, and all the gifts it offers. I do believe in heaven and hell, or its equivalent. There has to be a place of accountability when we leave here I believe. If I were brought up in a large world/society/community/family that didn't teach heaven and hell, I am not sure what I would believe. Probably what was taught me. The Apostle's (Nicene) Creed pretty much tells the whole story for me.
This time next week I will be sitting in an airplane headed to El Paso. It has been a long time since I've flown considering that back in the day, I spent a good bit of time in the air. I'm ready now.