Still Playing
This morning it's hard for me to start off without some bad humor. But yesterday as I was walking back to work from the library, walking right under the shade of the Capital Building, I saw these kids here still playing. Get it? STILL. PLAYING. uugh.

I spent a good while at the bike shop getting it all back the way I like it for the daily commute. That's Odyssey hanging on my car in the background of this posing dude. I liked the way he rigged his army knap sac to his rack. The starving college kids come up with some pretty awesome ideas. I bet he's an engineering student.

I met DeLon Sunday under the bridge downtown. It seems there was some kind of shindig going on for the homeless. After my ride with Team Slowkill I took Ruby home so I could go pick up Odyssey. I stopped to what was going on under the bridge and found DeLon pumping up a tire after he patched it. Let me tell you, he knows a lot about bikes. I wish I knew more about him.

I spent a good while at the bike shop getting it all back the way I like it for the daily commute. That's Odyssey hanging on my car in the background of this posing dude. I liked the way he rigged his army knap sac to his rack. The starving college kids come up with some pretty awesome ideas. I bet he's an engineering student.

I met DeLon Sunday under the bridge downtown. It seems there was some kind of shindig going on for the homeless. After my ride with Team Slowkill I took Ruby home so I could go pick up Odyssey. I stopped to what was going on under the bridge and found DeLon pumping up a tire after he patched it. Let me tell you, he knows a lot about bikes. I wish I knew more about him.
