Thin Line
How thin an a line be? Is it always straight? When you draw a line in the sand, say to mark off a volleyball court, the line clearly delineates what's in bounds and what's out of bounds, right? Right. Even when the line's integrity is disturbed, say by a foot, the depiction is still clear. At least one can imagine the line if a discretionary call is needed at that disturbed spot on the line.
What about the un-sketched line, the invisible line? The line that does not lay on the ground in the sand or is penciled on a sheet of paper? How do you label an unseen line? Can one say "Imaginary Line"? Or can one say "Boundary Line"?
I am thinking about "The Thin Line Of Obligatory Reciprocation", as it pertains to feelings, expressions and expectations. I can't seem to pin that one down. Response is the natural thing to happen as we talk to each other. Sometimes though, just to be able to express a feeling should not impose the expectation of response, because it leads towards reciprocal expectation, which can cause a whole spectrum of dynamics. For example, if I were to say that you look nice today, some people feel like they have to respond with a thank you and you look nice too. The fact may be that I don't look nice at all that particular day. Can you think of some other examples? I can, but I welcome comments from you about this. Then I can get specific towards what you are thinking. I have more to say about this, and of course I like generality on this blog, I am guarding specific personal thinking. I can see that I am too wordy already, so the thought for the day is un-completely put on the table.
Out of the saddle
While on my long trip I developed a new appreciation for standing up out of the saddle. Popular thinking seems to say that standing up should be kept to a minimum, but standing up at certain times seems to have a certain feeling of power. Cranking power
What about the un-sketched line, the invisible line? The line that does not lay on the ground in the sand or is penciled on a sheet of paper? How do you label an unseen line? Can one say "Imaginary Line"? Or can one say "Boundary Line"?
I am thinking about "The Thin Line Of Obligatory Reciprocation", as it pertains to feelings, expressions and expectations. I can't seem to pin that one down. Response is the natural thing to happen as we talk to each other. Sometimes though, just to be able to express a feeling should not impose the expectation of response, because it leads towards reciprocal expectation, which can cause a whole spectrum of dynamics. For example, if I were to say that you look nice today, some people feel like they have to respond with a thank you and you look nice too. The fact may be that I don't look nice at all that particular day. Can you think of some other examples? I can, but I welcome comments from you about this. Then I can get specific towards what you are thinking. I have more to say about this, and of course I like generality on this blog, I am guarding specific personal thinking. I can see that I am too wordy already, so the thought for the day is un-completely put on the table.
Out of the saddle
While on my long trip I developed a new appreciation for standing up out of the saddle. Popular thinking seems to say that standing up should be kept to a minimum, but standing up at certain times seems to have a certain feeling of power. Cranking power