Traveling Guest
I used two different cameras while I was back home for Thanksgiving, so don't have some of the family pictures I wanted to put up here. But I wanted to mention some progress on Judith, the lady who was trekking across the Southern Tier from Jacksonville Florida to San Diego California. At least I think I wrote about her before. But here's the deal Judith is from the Netherlands. She flew to Florida to ride her bicycle across the southern route of the USA, alone, and for the most part self supported. I met her in an Austin Bicycle shop on one of my lunchtime walks and we looked at a map for a few minutes. I also gave her my mom and dad's address and phone number and told her that if she wanted a nice place to stay to call them. Then I called my parents and told them of what I had done. Kind of reverse order, right? Judith showed up at mom and dad's on Thanksgiving morning, just in time to take a shower and ride over with them to where Marcy and I were hosting the feas...