
Showing posts from November, 2006

Traveling Guest

I used two different cameras while I was back home for Thanksgiving, so don't have some of the family pictures I wanted to put up here. But I wanted to mention some progress on Judith, the lady who was trekking across the Southern Tier from Jacksonville Florida to San Diego California. At least I think I wrote about her before. But here's the deal Judith is from the Netherlands. She flew to Florida to ride her bicycle across the southern route of the USA, alone, and for the most part self supported. I met her in an Austin Bicycle shop on one of my lunchtime walks and we looked at a map for a few minutes. I also gave her my mom and dad's address and phone number and told her that if she wanted a nice place to stay to call them. Then I called my parents and told them of what I had done. Kind of reverse order, right? Judith showed up at mom and dad's on Thanksgiving morning, just in time to take a shower and ride over with them to where Marcy and I were hosting the feas...

Company Truck

Monica, my middle daughter, is doing what she usually does. SMILE. She knows a lot about big truck parts and little truck parts and car parts too for that matter. She now drives a cool company truck. I congratulate her for how well she is doing. She already knows I am a bit envious that I never got to drive a company truck home. Way to go Monica

Awesomest Teamsmanship

Marcy and I posed at the reunion Saturday Shindig back in September. The pictures finally got here. Day And Night When the sun goes down right where the dusty trail disappears over the horizon on the hill, the winds calm down. Insects quiet for a spell as if silent vigil is required for prayer hour. Birds cease hunting for food and seek a quick sip of water before heading to roost. Dusk brings darkness which signals the end of reverent silence, prayer time is over. All bugs and critters begin their praise with glorious chorus, singing and sawing their instruments. Dawn comes at the point when it seems the darkness never ends. Refreshing to the rested, but not to the tired. It will be time for one more obedient prayer hour, to invite the light of day with all it's clamor. The cycle only ends when it's your time to go into the greater cycle of which you do not know. Being far away in touch but close in the heart is the better than the opposite. Two galaxies expanding in d...

Count Your Blessings, But....................

Never Ever Count Your Money In Front Of Poor People. So it goes that I have so much to be grateful for, but to tell it to the world is like being a bit too boastful.

Friends And Neighbors

When I came home from a long drive half way across the state of Texas Sunday night, all was well in the apartment. Just outside the porch in the grass was an opossum looking ever so relaxed and munching on something. He actually looked kind of cute. I wonder what it was he found that was worth chewing on? I thought about getting the camera out and taking a picture of my friend. Well, maybe he is just a neighbor and doesn't consider me a friend in any way whatsoever. I decided that if I went to get the camera and opened the door I would have disturbed him, so I gave up on that idea. But I do want to be his friend, I think I will leave some chicken bones out for him just to show him I mean friendship. A few months ago, there was an armadillo who would root around right in that area of the yard, but I think he became victim in a car pedestrian accident. I noticed this one early morning as I rode out of the complex toward my work place.

ThanksGiving Swim Party

Doesn't everyone swim in late August?

Rollling On Wheels

The moment I sat in the chair and rolled out of the GLO HR office, I entered into the wheelchair experience with good-natured enthusiasm. I am not sure why I was asked to do this four-hour assignment but I thought it was an opportunity to get a sense of what it’s like to be bound to a life without the use of legs. I sat down and rolled out. I fully expected to be uncoordinated for the first few minutes of “driving” the machine. Once out the door of HR, the first place I needed to go was the elevator, and back to my desk on the first floor. I pushed the down button and made myself ready to scurry to whichever of the six elevator doors decided to open. Backing in seemed to be the logical thing to do when the doors opened. But what happened were arms trying to roll the wheels backward and fend off closing doors at the same time. Less than two minutes in the chair and I had my first wrestling match. But success came and soon I was on the first floor with doors opening to a passel of waiti...

Even Smelly Fish Get Hungry

How can Thomas be so spontaneously open minded, understanding and supportive when threatening things come to him?Then, after sleeping on it, how can his waking mind be so weary? After all he is not being deceived when informed that the opposition is working his cunning maneuverings. On the contrary, he is being treated honestly for about the first time in his life. As in a chess game, you don't have to really know your opponent once you see his opening attack. It helps though, after you play a few times to see what surprises are up his sleeve, but from one chess player to the next, the game is bound by certain parameters, and the first game is no less important than the last or all in between. Thomas, in his pre -dawn routine was for the first time in a long time out of of sorts. His thankful acknowledgement to the Supreme Being for the gift of a new day was unconsciously overlooked. The shower was hot, and the razor was dull. He was reminded of a wake up call by a wise te...
The cold wind that cleansed the city yesterday reminded me of the harsh wind and rain that was brought all the way to Texas last September by that hurricane that scrubbed the Baja , Mexico peninsula. Does anyone remember who Roy Campanella is? I read his book, "It's Good To Be Alive" when I was about twelve years old. I think I am ready to read that book again. What a baseball player, what a guy. When I have lots to do at work, that is have to focus on technical skills and keeping a whole bunch of things organized on my desk and in my mind, my right brain seems to go inside. The left brain rules, makes the little wonder boy stay inside. Drat! One of these days though little righty will emerge and scribble something here that will remind you how nuts he is. In the meantime gaze across the huge expanse of hills, highs and lows, lights and shades, wafts and waves. GET TO WORK!

What Bodes Here?

Strong North West Wind makes me wonder what's up with the weather. If, during this time of year, the strong winds come straight out the north or a bit noreasterly, I think everything is normal. But when the western front is strong, I wonder. I wonder what the deer think out in the cedar breaks? This could cause them to stir even though they know there a lot of hunters out there just itching to get him, especially the crafty big buck who somehow managed to live this long. It's a wonder there are any deer at all. The west wind also has something in it, organic particulate of some kind, I can feel it in my eyes and nose. Ah, Central Texas and its pollens...... I only hope there is the same wind at going home time today.

Cool Sunshine

Odyssey taking a sunbath in the 70 something degree temperature. This side of the building can literally cook a cycle most of the year. Fall is nice for sunning though. The Fuji rust bucket below is enjoying the day also. When need meets want, deeds can taunt. When respect is observed, goodness is served. When Tony saw the emergency response vehicle go by he began to worry if something had happened to his bride, who was rock climbing in the hills some miles up the trail. Up until that moment, all Tony was interested in was sitting in the comfortable rocking chair, sensing the cool mountain summer breeze, watching the trees wave to a and fro, and contemplating life's ups and downs. Until that moment though, life was way up. He'd climbed the top in his American Dream. He'd gone through all the trials and tribulations of raising children and having a beautiful and good wife put up with him for all those years. Yes Life was good. Good until that EMS vehicle went by. Now he bega...

Never Too Early

The first shimmers of the morning's sun can be seen kissing the tree tops as we prepare for the first noticeably cold Sunday morning this year. At least the wind wasn't blowing like it was yesterday, Saturday. From the library parking lot in Buda, TX, the first 2 miles' ride descend to Onion Creek where the cool moisture and dew covered plant life wait for us so it can cut deep into our clothing and bite the skin. What keeps my mind off freezing fingers is the biting chill hitting my chest and face. But there comes a time when we have to climb up and out of the low water passage. The effort for going uphill, kicks our heating systems in and the sun awaits when we clear the tree line. At some point it becomes just nice and cool rather than miserably cold. And I think back to the dog days of three digit heat numbers with salty sweat dripping on the top tube and realize that being cold before the cool is quite alright. I mean it's not like we live in Alaska or North Dakota...

Doan Wanna

No riding today, a holiday for a lot of folks, but not me. Should be quiet around here today and that is a very good thing. Coffee is a brewin, Soft music's a playin, and I'm a typin. Is there a better way to start the day? Wait, some of you don't even think about answering that. When a early bird type gets up early, well.......... It's early. Carmella and Jumanji are probably meowing nervously as they zoom across country on their way to Norfork Virginia. I'm pretty sure it's their first time in an airliner, so it's alright if they meow a bit. Once they land they have a fairly long automobile ride to Edenton, North Carolina where they will live happily ever after. Yes, the dear little kitties moved out of Austin this morning very early in the day and all I can really say about it is, it's time to get the dander up, and dander out. So Long dear fuzzy felines, te vaya con Dios. The other day, on my regular lunch time strolls, I stopped into Austin Bikes to...

El Paso Whirlwind Trip

Whose Your Daddy? Mamacita Christy and Seth Marcy and Seth April, Matthew and Marcy Now that the camera has totally died, I am not sure how the imagery is going to be delivered to this site. I am on the lookout for another on, so if you see any really good deals, let me know. At least I got these last few of some of my wonderful favorite people I got to visit with this past weekend. If I had of known the Canon Sure Shot was going to take its last shot at Seth, I would have fired more shots sooner at all those you don't see. You know who you are even if no one else does. The ride in was great today. Not much traffic, and the cool mornings are just great.

One More For The Road

Bill Dobberstein just sent me this picture. I like it so it is posted this morning. I don't have time to write anything, so this will take up space anyway. I'm off to El Paso in a few minutes, but wanted to stop by and wish you a wonderful day.

Picture This

When Julian and Julianna looked at their wedding picture on their 60th anniversary it brought back endless memories of time gone by. So many memories were flowing freely through each of them, and by their contented smiles, they seemed to be seeing the same memories as if watching a movie or documentary. Of course they were older, but to them, they both looked the same as they did on that youthful wedding day. They were so wrapped up in the celebration of that special matrimonial day, they weren't even aware there was a picture of the photographer being taken while the photographer was taking their picture. But of all their memories from the beginning of their relationship, through the good times and bad, raising children, saving and spending, they do remember the photographer. They remember what was behind the photographer, where the ceremony was held, where all the invited guests were looking on with smiles and wishes of happiness for Julian and Jullianna. His best friend was ther...

Autumn Crunch

Autumn air brings autumn leaves. Trees scattered throughout the countryside make a final display of color before going to sleep for a few months. Some trees seem to have more color than some years. Maybe years that have more rain than others means more color. Maybe it's easier for the tree roots to gather the minerals and general nutrition from the ground with the help of more water. Maybe the more fluid the underground is, the better the solution. So maybe the tree takes all that nutrition and minerals and puts it in the leaves in an artful manner, so as to give it all back to where it was taken. Kind of like an art show that has a limited viewing time, it chronicles the pulse of its environment, kind of like art shows people have in museums . It's cooling off here in Austin. The wind is coming from the north more often, leaves are dropping, the sound of acorns crunching under foot on sidewalks is common, and sweaters are normal attire. Happy November!