Doan Wanna
No riding today, a holiday for a lot of folks, but not me. Should be quiet around here today and that is a very good thing. Coffee is a brewin, Soft music's a playin, and I'm a typin. Is there a better way to start the day? Wait, some of you don't even think about answering that.
When a early bird type gets up early, well.......... It's early. Carmella and Jumanji are probably meowing nervously as they zoom across country on their way to Norfork Virginia. I'm pretty sure it's their first time in an airliner, so it's alright if they meow a bit. Once they land they have a fairly long automobile ride to Edenton, North Carolina where they will live happily ever after. Yes, the dear little kitties moved out of Austin this morning very early in the day and all I can really say about it is, it's time to get the dander up, and dander out. So Long dear fuzzy felines, te vaya con Dios.
The other day, on my regular lunch time strolls, I stopped into Austin Bikes to say hello like I normally do. There was a young lady in there getting her bike worked on. She is from the Netherlands and came to the USA to ride her bicycle across the southern tier. From Jacksonville, FL. To San Diego, CA. And here she was, close to the half way mark getting her swifty all fixed up for the second half. I was introduced to her, and we pored over the map for a while talking about hills, road shoulders, and such. I gave her my mom and dad's phone number for a place to stay if she wants one. I gave her Marcy's number as a back up. When I drive to El Paso in about 13 days, I will keep an eye out for her, Judith Ypeij, the solo touring cyclist going west.
Marcy is hosting the Thanksgiving Feast at her house, and I am going to be the best assistant she's ever had for this type of thing. My parents, Aunt Pat, Marcy's sister Stephanie and her family are coming, and maybe some others. It will be a great time. I am getting excited about it.