Cool Sunshine
Odyssey taking a sunbath in the 70 something degree temperature. This side of the building can literally cook a cycle most of the year. Fall is nice for sunning though. The Fuji rust bucket below is enjoying the day also.

When need meets want, deeds can taunt.
When respect is observed, goodness is served.
When Tony saw the emergency response vehicle go by he began to worry if something had happened to his bride, who was rock climbing in the hills some miles up the trail. Up until that moment, all Tony was interested in was sitting in the comfortable rocking chair, sensing the cool mountain summer breeze, watching the trees wave to a and fro, and contemplating life's ups and downs. Until that moment though, life was way up. He'd climbed the top in his American Dream. He'd gone through all the trials and tribulations of raising children and having a beautiful and good wife put up with him for all those years. Yes Life was good. Good until that EMS vehicle went by. Now he began to worry.
Tony was always overly protective of his wife for several reasons. One was he didn't want anything bad to happen to her. After all he was the man and she the fragile woman who needed to be taken care of. He also protected her because he didn't wan to lose her. He was protecting himself because he knew he had the best thing going in the whole wide world.
But now the EMS vehicle made him anxious. He worried, he paced, no way he could sit comfortably in the rocking chair on the porch. Minutes seemed like hours. The waving trees and music of the breeze no longer existed, they were shut out to the mind's turmoil. Even though time crawled by, eventually Tony could see a group coming from up the road. It was his group and his wife was amongst them, walking happily and lively. He ran up to her and put his arms around her and held her and asked her if she was alright and told her he loved her. She appreciated the nice reception, but was wondering what happened to cause him to be this way. It was later when he confessed that when he saw that EMS vehicle, he began to worry.
She likes being protected. Too much protection is better than not enough. Too much protection disguises the reciprocal protection that she provides, which is a woman thing.

When need meets want, deeds can taunt.
When respect is observed, goodness is served.
When Tony saw the emergency response vehicle go by he began to worry if something had happened to his bride, who was rock climbing in the hills some miles up the trail. Up until that moment, all Tony was interested in was sitting in the comfortable rocking chair, sensing the cool mountain summer breeze, watching the trees wave to a and fro, and contemplating life's ups and downs. Until that moment though, life was way up. He'd climbed the top in his American Dream. He'd gone through all the trials and tribulations of raising children and having a beautiful and good wife put up with him for all those years. Yes Life was good. Good until that EMS vehicle went by. Now he began to worry.
Tony was always overly protective of his wife for several reasons. One was he didn't want anything bad to happen to her. After all he was the man and she the fragile woman who needed to be taken care of. He also protected her because he didn't wan to lose her. He was protecting himself because he knew he had the best thing going in the whole wide world.
But now the EMS vehicle made him anxious. He worried, he paced, no way he could sit comfortably in the rocking chair on the porch. Minutes seemed like hours. The waving trees and music of the breeze no longer existed, they were shut out to the mind's turmoil. Even though time crawled by, eventually Tony could see a group coming from up the road. It was his group and his wife was amongst them, walking happily and lively. He ran up to her and put his arms around her and held her and asked her if she was alright and told her he loved her. She appreciated the nice reception, but was wondering what happened to cause him to be this way. It was later when he confessed that when he saw that EMS vehicle, he began to worry.
She likes being protected. Too much protection is better than not enough. Too much protection disguises the reciprocal protection that she provides, which is a woman thing.