Autumn Crunch

Autumn air brings autumn leaves. Trees scattered throughout the countryside make a final display of color before going to sleep for a few months. Some trees seem to have more color than some years. Maybe years that have more rain than others means more color. Maybe it's easier for the tree roots to gather the minerals and general nutrition from the ground with the help of more water. Maybe the more fluid the underground is, the better the solution. So maybe the tree takes all that nutrition and minerals and puts it in the leaves in an artful manner, so as to give it all back to where it was taken. Kind of like an art show that has a limited viewing time, it chronicles the pulse of its environment, kind of like art shows people have in museums .
It's cooling off here in Austin. The wind is coming from the north more often, leaves are dropping, the sound of acorns crunching under foot on sidewalks is common, and sweaters are normal attire. Happy November!