Never Too Early

The first shimmers of the morning's sun can be seen kissing the tree tops as we prepare for the first noticeably cold Sunday morning this year. At least the wind wasn't blowing like it was yesterday, Saturday. From the library parking lot in Buda, TX, the first 2 miles' ride descend to Onion Creek where the cool moisture and dew covered plant life wait for us so it can cut deep into our clothing and bite the skin. What keeps my mind off freezing fingers is the biting chill hitting my chest and face. But there comes a time when we have to climb up and out of the low water passage. The effort for going uphill, kicks our heating systems in and the sun awaits when we clear the tree line. At some point it becomes just nice and cool rather than miserably cold. And I think back to the dog days of three digit heat numbers with salty sweat dripping on the top tube and realize that being cold before the cool is quite alright. I mean it's not like we live in Alaska or North Dakota. Bill D tells a story of some Russians who came to Austin to work on a construction project. One wintry day they said they wanted to go back to Russia because with all the snow and ice on the ground it wasn't as cold to them there as thirty and forty degree temperatures are to them here. I don't know for sure, but I did spend a winter working outdoors in Sheridan Wyoming one year and thought I was going to freeze to death. But I didn't even though the temperatures dipped well below zero F. A few years later I spent a winter working outdoors in Port Arthur TX where I thought I was going to freeze to death with forty five degree winds blowing off the coastal waters. In the snow and ice country up north it seems that if you do something, move around, make body heat, your ok. In Port Arthur I never did get ok until spring rolled around.
It's kind of fun living here where the jet stream which usually stays up around the Dallas area, sometimes dipping south to Austin bringing north chilly wind. The gulf coast some 130 miles away gives competition to the the jet stream by pushing warm wet air up, making it go back to its rightful place. So this morning it's humid and warmer about sixty something with a high predicted in the seventies. It may get even warmer as the week progresses. Good for commuting.
Dander Abatement Program
As soon as Carmella and Jumanji moved out I began my kitty hair and particulate removal project. Like a man possessed, I went through every nook, cranny and corner of the apartment like Sherlock Holmes with a huge magnifying glass. Do you know what can be a fun toy for the simple minded? One of those little lent rollers with backward masking tape. No wonder people keep them lying around like in their vehicle, at work and at home. There's something about rolling a clean piece of upside down masking tape on something until it gathers things, then inspecting those things, and then working at peeling that unsticky tape off, then touching a fresh sheet to test for tackiness, then rolling it on something, anything. Jumanji wins the prize for comprehensive natural filament distribution.
Thanks Shawneen for letting me use your camera.