1-D Please
I have become accustomed to sitting in seat 1D when I fly to El Paso each weekend.I have ridden on Southwest a lot of time in the past year and I've learned that if I can sit in the first row right side isle seat, I can be the first one off the plane, out the door and onto the pick-me-up drive pretty durn quick. It seems that no one really likes that seat anyway, so it's available most of the time. The times that it's not, then I just try to get someplace close to the front. Which brings up the pre-boards. Both the state school for the blind and the deaf which seems to have a few students from El Paso. A lot of them fly home each Friday night, then come back either Sunday evening or Monday morning. I has been somewhat enjoyable seeing some of the same faces, regulars as they say, each week.
The Commuting has been great this week with fabulous weather. A bit cool in the mornings, but tolerable. Yesterday I was in a mandatory safe driving class. There is always plenty to learn or re-learn from classes like this. It would have been nice if just one little portion would mention something about bicycles being part of the traveling methods. At one point the instructor asked me how long I've been driving and when I told her 44 years, I was the one that was shocked.
We did get a chance to go visit the newest member to our ever growing family, Isis, who was content to sleep the entire time we were there.

Marcy didn't just get pulled into grandmotherhood, but great grandmotherhood

In the beginning, things are peaceful
The Commuting has been great this week with fabulous weather. A bit cool in the mornings, but tolerable. Yesterday I was in a mandatory safe driving class. There is always plenty to learn or re-learn from classes like this. It would have been nice if just one little portion would mention something about bicycles being part of the traveling methods. At one point the instructor asked me how long I've been driving and when I told her 44 years, I was the one that was shocked.
We did get a chance to go visit the newest member to our ever growing family, Isis, who was content to sleep the entire time we were there.

Marcy didn't just get pulled into grandmotherhood, but great grandmotherhood

In the beginning, things are peaceful
