North Wind
See the Flag blowing? The tip of it is pointing very close to Due South, which is a good sign for me because that's the direction I travel after work, Due South. Tuesday was a rare day for me as a commuter. When I traveled north to get to work, a breeze was coming from the south. Most times when the breeze is from the south early in the morning, it tends to get stronger by late in the day. But Tuesday a north front came through bringing some cold drizzle which only lasted about an hour. Clear skies and dry wind made for a delightfully cool ride back to the apartment.

The MS150 from Houston to Austin is stirring some excitment around here at the agency. The team had a bake sale on the same day that I had the double helping wind communte. I brought sausage and biscuits. I baked them early in the morning, wrapped them well and they were still warm at the opening of the sale. Cool.
Some of our esteemed riders telling tall bike tales while waiting for buyers
This is my cousin in China. She sent the pic to her mom who sent it to my mom who sent it to me who posted it on this site. How can you not post such a "having great time" picture