Today is early voting the Texas Primary election. I had originally planned on going to the Bicycle Sports Shop to have my commuter inspected just in case something happens to where I ride in it afterall. But instead I decided to stick to my routine which is to take a pretty long walk around the UT Campus. Luckily I stumbled onto an early voting place and got that done.

On my way back in the West Mall there was a lot of stuff going on, like fundraising for special interest student groups. When I came across this sign about race, I decided to ask a picture and ask them if they were pro or con. They didn't have a preference, but were doing a school project and wanted inverviews from people.

So the next thing I know, I'm sitting where the students were sitting clipping a mic on my collar and getting ready to talk about my experiences with dating across racial lines. I wanted to start talking about bicycles and how the more of them we could use on the planet the better off everyone would be, but the timer went off which caused for me to be dismissed with a thank you and a handshake.
I've written about this regular drumming session that takes place on the campus each Wednesday at noon. The old guy runs it and he is the one who is always there. Some days there are a bunch of people with their individual bongo or drum or some sort of percussion instrument. Sometimes people just bang on their leg. But today there were other older people there, of which not all are in the photo. This is encouraging to me. If I had a drum I would probably join them. When I put this one in, I have hopes that you will click on it to get the large view.
Back to work for me
On my way back in the West Mall there was a lot of stuff going on, like fundraising for special interest student groups. When I came across this sign about race, I decided to ask a picture and ask them if they were pro or con. They didn't have a preference, but were doing a school project and wanted inverviews from people.
So the next thing I know, I'm sitting where the students were sitting clipping a mic on my collar and getting ready to talk about my experiences with dating across racial lines. I wanted to start talking about bicycles and how the more of them we could use on the planet the better off everyone would be, but the timer went off which caused for me to be dismissed with a thank you and a handshake.
Back to work for me