Flyday Friday
70 miles this week is all that I could get in on the bicycle. Rain and my second job are one reason/excuse, and having an opportunity to spend time with my daughter and grandson is another. Two very good reasons or excuses in my book, but I gotta tell you I've had such intense workouts in the gym this week, a restful layoff will give me a chance to rebuild. I haven't seen my daughter and grandson yet, that is supposed to happen today at lunch. I think we will have falafels. We like foods like that. I think I will get one to go to see if my sweetheart likes them. That is when my ride gets here. I am waiting for my ride. It gets here just before 5:00PM then takes off for El Paso. This as you know happens most Fridays. Flydays are Fridays.
Don't click on the picture below because if you do you might see some naughty writing on the rear rim with the larger picture. I like the bike though and I like the message it sends to some of the other road users out there. I don't really feel that way, I am too mellow for that and the insinuation seems gay. Assuredly a young person's bike. A student at UT. A rebel type. Expression is OK.
Don't click on the picture below because if you do you might see some naughty writing on the rear rim with the larger picture. I like the bike though and I like the message it sends to some of the other road users out there. I don't really feel that way, I am too mellow for that and the insinuation seems gay. Assuredly a young person's bike. A student at UT. A rebel type. Expression is OK.