From Around The Planet Comes Love

Meet Julia, the lady in the top picture who became an accidental courier of goods from the other side of the globe. The short story here is that Julia and my sister connected in Japan. Remember the IEC International that I posted a while back? Well, from what I hear this place is quite the gathering spot. Anyway, this lady Julia, well she goes by Julia in Japan, but she goes by Alli in America is one of God's angels who brought a beautiful boxed gift to me from my sister, Judy,
who has an awesome husband, and the most wonderful children. Julia told me how busy the Ortiz family was, is, and will be, and that she plans on staying in touch with Judy and the school.
In the box was a really cool green tea making kit made of bamboo. Then there were these book markers that my nieces made, and you would not believe how pretty they are. If I could only take a picture of them that represents them half a pretty as they are. Remember that if you click on the pictures, they go to full size. I don't think Judy already knew that I collect book markers, so she hit a big one there. I am lucky to be her brother.
Julia, please forgive me if I gave away your American Alias. I think Judy failed to tell you I have a big mouth.