The Trip Is Nearing

So Friday, I stop in at the nearest cycle shop just to say hi and hang out for a while. Eric, in the background, orange shirt, has done some good work on my touring bike, is giving some good counsel to another customer. Robin, a young lady who works someplace on the UT Campus, (across the street) and I were talking about my upcoming trip. She asked me what my route was, to my surprise she was familiar with the road from Blanco to Freedericksburg. She advised against going that way because of the hills. Robin seems to know quite a bit about cycling, touring and the like, it may be a good idea to study her recomendation. But the time is nearning and the "stick to the plan" attitude seems to be kicking in. Being stubborn is not my intent here, and Robin did have a good idea that I should drive my bike to Blanco and ride to Fredericksburg and back as a trial run. Now that is way to practical.
I have decided to change my route beginning at McDonald's Observatory. Instead of going to Valentine, I am going to head straight for I10 and deal with traffic until I get to Sierra Blanca. Then I will head up toward Hueco Tanks, and take the Carlsbad Highway into El Paso.

<-- Last weekend, well starting on Friday afternoon, I was blitzed with flat tires. By the time I made my final repair Sunday afternoon the count was 5. That's with both bicycles, 5 flats. I hope that is enough for a while.