Just Things

This is Emily, she started riding again not too long ago. Sol and Eric tuned up her bike and now she is cool with it. Doesn't look like it's over a hundred degrees, does it?
It seems like more people are commuting in the Capitol Complex, which is a very good thing. Here is a guy who is riding Vehicular Style, another very good thing, but he doesn't need a helmet.

Some bikes are lucky, the get to ride in cars just like people do and get more miles down the road than if they were rolling. Sometimes I think my bike would like that.

I knew a man who went around for many years showing the sign language symbol for the word love. Even though he and his hand are gone, his signing lives on.
Counting the Days
It is now only 23 days until I embark on my cycle trip to El Paso. Last week I had the opportunity to drive the route, and for the most part it is a good way to go. Van Horn to El Paso seems a bit scary, but I think I will find the resolve to make a go of it. I had offers to be picked up and driven to El Paso, and if the trucks are roaring at 80 mph, I might just take them up on it.