Low Down Show Down
<-- Capitol Complex Commuters on the rise. I was on one of my routine lunchtime walks when I noticed this cyclist heading away from the building I work in. The good news (at least to me)is that he practices Vehicular Cycling. The Great Debate
I am still talking about the guy who was killed on his bicycle Saturday. The local news is still talking about the incedent. He seems to have been one of the good guys. He was one of those active types it seems by reading a short bio in the paper. Cycling was one of his favorite pass times. He was killed by a know drug user abuser who when fate gave the the nod, would have killed anyone in any given situation. I hope that a great debate about cars against cyclists doesn't rear up again, because I think for the most part we all get along pretty well. When it comes to agressive behavior, and this accident didn't have that, automobiles are more apt to be agressive amongst themselves.