Man arrested in cyclist's death...

Man arrested in cyclist's death has prior reckless driving record
Monday, August 28, 2006
A man who was arrested in the death of a bicyclist in the hills of Northwest Austin has a record of reckless driving, driving while intoxicated and possession of illegal substances, public records show.
Jeremy Ron Wigley, 27, of Belton, west of Temple, had not been charged Sunday but remained in jail, and police spokeswoman Toni Chovanetz said she anticipated that alcohol-related charges would be filed early this week.
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Saturday morning about the time that accident occurred, I was on the same road, probably about 6 or 7 miles south. I went out with the Austin Tricyclist Taco Ride. The group uses that road from Bee Caves Road to MOPAC. On any given Saturday morning there will be many cyclists on that road going in both directions, north and south. The shoulder on that road is very wide, as wide as any shoulder I've seen and for an automobile to get that far out of the lane is quite rare.
That morning I DID have an event, but with another cyclist. I am too embarrassed to mention it on the blog today, and if you feel that you must know what happened, call me and I may tell you about it.
But about the Taco Ride. There are two distances, 30 and 50 miles. I went in the 30, got dropped from the main group at about 9 miles. I got a terrific anaerobic threshold workout in. The following morning, riding with Team Slowkill, a spinoff of Team Roadkill, the 36 mile easy spin was very nice. Today back to urban commuting on the touring bike there were no incidences with buses, cars, or pedestrians.