
Showing posts from September, 2006

The Finish Line

When I got to Van Horn, cleaned off the road dust, ate a big plate of Chuy's Mexican food, I made some calls and talked of getting to El Paso in two days. But like a mule headed to the barn after a hard day's work, I trudged a little harder and a little longer. Drank more gatorade, ate more Clif bars, and plowed that field. The tail wind helped also. I got hot spots on the bottom of my feet and had to take a couple of breaks. I got into the city vicinity and had to relearn how crazy traffic can be. But the mule kept pulling. Eventually, there I was at my parents house. Rick, the next door neighbor took our picture. Destination. I shortened the map, took one ride in a truck, and arrived two days ealier than planned. But it all feels worthy. I am going to have a great grandson plunge onto the planet any minute now, so getting here early can be a good thing. There are family and special friends I am anxious to visit before the class reunion festivities begin. This is a fast and f...

On To The Observatory

When I was about 13, I rode my bike all over the neighborhood. Terry B was an adventerous sort who talked me into riding long distances, like for example to the airport to take pictures of fighter jet planes and such. Well, anyway, I am heading down I- 10 with a great tail wind, going down hill, and reaching speeds in excess of 30mph. But you see, I decides to stop at the rest area 5 miles shy of Van Horn. And who do I encounter after so many years, but Terry, as he was on his way to El Paso to see his mom and attend the reunion later in the week. What's really cool is that we still recognise one another. I've noticed that writers of bike tours, both fictional and real, don't talk about saddle soars or sore buts. So I won't write about it either, but I must mention: SOAR BUTT! Heading toward Kent, Texas I started seeing all kinds of yucca plants. There are many varieties of this plant, but the on pictured is a special variety to me, and seeing them brought back some ...

Fort Davis Is Mighty Cool - Two Ways

Old Rocks over the Old Fort. Don't fall off the mountain So... I folowed the arrow. Green Cactus and grass all around. Hiking over the mountain from the State Park to the Old Fort Davis provided some fantastic views. Even the electric lines don't seem to take away from the this awesome site. Did I tell you how hard the wind blew in my face going down highway 67 to Alpine? Well it is worth mentioning again just to get the point across. Oh well it is over now and now it's all a good memory. I arrived at the Texas GLO regional office just as they were closing, but got a chance to visit with Barbara M for a few minutes. Her boyfriend just got through doing an arduous event at the Davis mountains

Fort Davis is sooo Pretty

This morning at about 8:30am, I crossed the county line that gets me to Fort Davis. I am there now using the library computer to update this blog. I would put more pictures in but the download time is making me think that I have to get to cracking on some chores. I need to find a laundromat, a grocery store, the post office and then trek up the mountain the the camp site. I wanted to get there before late afternoon. I forgot to tell you about the rided from Fort Stockton to Alpine. BRUTAL!. Up hill the whole way and a head wind at about 20-25 miles an hour. Making that day, yesterday, was about the biggest accomplishment so far. The day off at the camp site will be needed. This is Sally (below) feeding her horses before we take off Wednesday morning. Sally can be in Manhatan at a Broadway play one week, St. Louis at a Woman's convention the next, or loading goats on her ranch to take to the San Angelo auction barn. Sterling, you done good. Ok, so I cheated a little bit by letting h...

Send Off Crowd

I finer send off crowd will never be had, you couldn't trade diamonds for a better group to see you off, out of the county, and across the state. Mariann, Ed, Bill, and Sally are seen here. Don't let me forget Jack, and Jerry. The picture I had of all of them doesn't want to come in, so this is what we get to look at. I really appreciate that they rode with me on the treacherous 150 to the Hays City Store. Thanks, Y'all.

Going Backwards, I Think

My first campsite in many many years. Isn't it so... boy scout looking. It felt good to actually do that, pitch a tent, make my own grub and sleep in a sleeping bag. About midnight when I was sleeping well after a hard first day of riding, the thunder and lightening and wind came. The tent held up to all those except for when the flowing water gathered from up the hill decided it was higher than the tent floor protector. At about 3:00am I woke up to find that I was sleeping a about a half inch of water. What could I do at that point but to go back to sleep. That next day riding to Segovia was rainy and miserable. No pictures because I didn't want to get the camera wet. It was about the only thing dry After finishing an difficult time it was time to take a break. I still had 30 miles to go before reaching Sonora, and truthfully, the hills were just begining. At least it was dry. Iris is working on this bedroom, the one with girly beadspreads. The walls are really nice, and my d...

After Today....... No More Talkin

What I see here is a case of the cart before the horse and all bass akwards. Can you see that the metal pony is facing one way looking at the trailer whose foward is looking another? Well, that won't last long, for this afternoon when I get home from work, if they haven't rigged themselves already, I hitch'em up right. Bob Moreland made a light mount for the front of my bike out of some pvc pipe. The original placement for the lights became less than effective because of a handle bar pouch I installed. Many thanks Bob. Tomorrow morning at 7:00am is when I plan to pull out of the garage. I'm heading over to Aikins High School to pick up Marianne and Bill. They love to ride and will go with me for a while then turn around like sane people. Along the way I hope to find computers with internet access so I can put some pictures in the blog site as well as some experiences worth telling about. If I don't find anything like that, and it is possible because I am going on ...

Bla Bla Bla Blog Blog Blog

Sometime today I need to go the bicycle shop to pick up Odyssey. I guess that would be a good idea since I need him to do this ride that is coming up in, how many days? Two. Oh my God, the time is getting so close I can't believe it. New brakes, trued wheels, new tires and tubes, a great frame, what else could a 58 year old kid ask for. Also today, or no later than tomorrow I need to ship my care packages out to designated spots along the way. One of my dearest old friends sent me a cool e-card to send me off with the best of wishes. Thanks Tori. I've known Tori and her husband for a long time and we are getting older so that counts as "old" friends doesn't it. I mean doesn't one concept have the other covered? Gotta go to work, see you tomorrow. I hope I find libraries, or computers with online access along the way.

Three More

My resident consultants were giving advice from a more elevated view, that is until one of my shoes tried to get away. Carmela held it down while Jumangi kept the map from trying to take a trip. There are two choices for the beginning of the trip, one a high road and of course a low road. All in attendance was in agreement that the low road gets the pass. Luckily, El Paso is growing so fast that my trip has reduced miles from the day I first decided that I want to do this thing. The finish line is in sight in the picture but not from here.

Eye Ball On The Start, Quatro Dia Mas

Patrick, of whom I think to be a student at UT, and by the looks of his set up, is headed to school. He is on 24th street pointing toward campus. So he stops as this traffic light you see, and I tell him I need to get a picture of him and his bike with a little gasoline engine on it. He ordered a kit and put the thing on himself. When the light turned green, off he puttered, pedaling and motoring. Eye Cat Now meet Mark. Well, meet Mark's eye, the right eye. Mark is going to keep and eye on Carmela, Jumangi and the plants for the two and a half weeks I will be gone. Looks like he has a pretty good eye for that sort of thing.

5 More Days

Yesterday was a great day for riding a complete dress rehearsal. Well, I had everything on the trailer and the paniers that I intend to take along except a jar of peanut butter and some tortillas. I put brand new tires and tubes onthe bike Saturday evening, planning to scuff them up for the 50 mile rehearsal. This morning as I set off to work I noticed something a bit unusual, so to become more awake to find that I had two flat tires. Lucky for me I was just outsided the garage, easy to get back in and do the repair work. Two punctures were patched within a half hour and I was on my way. The tires are still inflated, so I must have hit something very close to the apartment at the end of my trip.

Moon Shadows En La Madrugada

Nice moon this morning casting supplemental light for my two Cateye Opticubes. I very nice touch indeed. I made me think that it would be nice I had full moonlight on the trip. It's not going to happen that way though and when I get to the Davis Mountains and can see the stars so vivid and bright I will be glad the moon is big today. It was nice a cool this morning, I could get accustomed to that. As we all occupy some sort of geographical space, mine during the weekday is close to another geographical space where a huge football game will be played tomorrow. This morning, there are already bunches of tents, trailers, and generally special occasion urban campers staking out a claim so they can have a tailgate party for the football game of the year. I will ride my bike home and watch it on tv. COOL CATS

9 More Days

Photo courtesy of Marcy Flores, fotojournalista exclusiva EL PASO, HERE I COME !! I wonder what I will be thinking a week from now, the bike will have been tuned up and in as good a shape as possible. I will supposedly be in as good a shape as I can for this long ride, and all me food, miles and sleeping plans are good. Well, at least as much as I am able to plan something I've not done before. Monday I am going to meet up with Bill Corsbie so we can drive a route that could very well change my planned first day. If the distance is shortened any, it will be a no brainer. This morning I woke thinking that 8:00 AM is departure time from my garage door. Anyone wanting to join me should be there at that door by 7:45 ready for inspection.

Simply Live

click enlarge Miles this month: 126 Miles this week: 86 Miles this year: 4,808 Greeted New Days: 21,238 It seems to me that pressure is put upon us common folks needlessly. It's like the more complicated things are the more sophisticated they are and if I have a complicated life therefore I am more sophisticated. The silly truth about that is that I tend to fall for it time and again. Don't ask me what the heck I am talking about because I don't know at this time of day. But I did get a Camelbak Mule yesterday. Last Monday's test ride showed me that having lots of water is a very good idea. Not only to drink but to cook my cous cous with at the end of the day. When I loaded my bike with the panniers full with the checklist off all the things I plan to ride with, it felt like it weighed between 80 and 100 lbs. My next trick will be to lower the weight while keeping the water content as high as possible. I am going to send some care packages to specific locations across m...

Twelve In Twelve

On the 12th day from today, I depart. My calendar plan shows 12 days of traveling. So today is designated as the first national "Twelve In Twelve Day". Last week's total riding mileage is 156, taking Saturday off for recovery. To start the new week off I got in a pleasant 36 miler on Sunday and a dress rehearsal 50 on Monday. Thanks to the powers that be for having a "No Labor Day" holiday. (Thanks for that one Marcy) Goofy. Sunday approaching the river. Franco and Robin getting ready to decend to the south bank. Sally and Pam on Monday taking the first un-planned break. They are taking it in stride Bill Yarbrough holds the record with having 4 flats in one day. Alan became our number one tire mechanic.

Fry Day and First Day OF FY07' Here

Total Miles This Week: 116 Total Miles This Month: 541 Total Miles This Year: 4682 (Now, these are all bike miles, right?) Because of my unexpected travel in the last part of August, I slipped below my monthly average and of course brought it down too, to 585.25 per month. There were a couple of extremely high mileage months, which I am grateful for not only in giving me good numbers to help the average, but also for the time spent on the bike. Looking back on it is positive. (And because of my unexpected trip, my car driving miles have soaared. I am grateful though that it was an option) Ridership is up around this complex, just a couple of blocks north of the Capital Building. Funny, I never take pictures of that building, even though one of the things I relish about being here is having that place at my footstep and being able to have in the skyline view.