Fort Davis Is Mighty Cool - Two Ways

Old Rocks over the Old Fort.
Don't fall off the mountain
So... I folowed the arrow.
Green Cactus and grass all around.
Hiking over the mountain from the State Park to the Old Fort Davis provided some fantastic views. Even the electric lines don't seem to take away from the this awesome site.

<--But here I am at the Fort Davis State Park with my camp set up. It's early in the afternoon. The ride from Alpine to Fort Davis was terrific and got a good taste of what climbing in higher elevations is about.

Did I tell you how hard the wind blew in my face going down highway 67 to Alpine? Well it is worth mentioning again just to get the point across. Oh well it is over now and now it's all a good memory. I arrived at the Texas GLO regional office just as they were closing, but got a chance to visit with Barbara M for a few minutes. Her boyfriend just got through doing an arduous event at the Davis mountains


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