My first campsite in many many years. Isn't it so... boy scout looking. It felt good to actually do that, pitch a tent, make my own grub and sleep in a sleeping bag. About midnight when I was sleeping well after a hard first day of riding, the thunder and lightening and wind came. The tent held up to all those except for when the flowing water gathered from up the hill decided it was higher than the tent floor protector. At about 3:00am I woke up to find that I was sleeping a about a half inch of water. What could I do at that point but to go back to sleep. That next day riding to Segovia was rainy and miserable. No pictures because I didn't want to get the camera wet. It was about the only thing dry

After finishing an difficult time it was time to take a break. I still had 30 miles to go before reaching Sonora, and truthfully, the hills were just begining. At least it was dry.

Iris is working on this bedroom, the one with girly beadspreads. The walls are really nice, and my dad played a part in cutting out the flowers. The picture does no justice to what it looks like in person.

Pete and Iris Bradley live in a totally awesome house in Sonora, Texas. I was so lucky that my mom urged me to call them and say hello. I can see why my mom thinks so highly of them, they are so very nice and hospitable. Just what a weary road warrior needed.