5 More Days
Yesterday was a great day for riding a complete dress rehearsal. Well, I had everything on the trailer and the paniers that I intend to take along except a jar of peanut butter and some tortillas. I put brand new tires and tubes onthe bike Saturday evening, planning to scuff them up for the 50 mile rehearsal.

This morning as I set off to work I noticed something a bit unusual, so to become more awake to find that I had two flat tires. Lucky for me I was just outsided the garage, easy to get back in and do the repair work. Two punctures were patched within a half hour and I was on my way. The tires are still inflated, so I must have hit something very close to the apartment at the end of my trip.

This morning as I set off to work I noticed something a bit unusual, so to become more awake to find that I had two flat tires. Lucky for me I was just outsided the garage, easy to get back in and do the repair work. Two punctures were patched within a half hour and I was on my way. The tires are still inflated, so I must have hit something very close to the apartment at the end of my trip.