Bla Bla Bla Blog Blog Blog

Sometime today I need to go the bicycle shop to pick up Odyssey. I guess that would be a good idea since I need him to do this ride that is coming up in, how many days? Two. Oh my God, the time is getting so close I can't believe it. New brakes, trued wheels, new tires and tubes, a great frame, what else could a 58 year old kid ask for.
Also today, or no later than tomorrow I need to ship my care packages out to designated spots along the way.
One of my dearest old friends sent me a cool e-card to send me off with the best of wishes. Thanks Tori. I've known Tori and her husband for a long time and we are getting older so that counts as "old" friends doesn't it. I mean doesn't one concept have the other covered?
Gotta go to work, see you tomorrow. I hope I find libraries, or computers with online access along the way.