Simply Live

<-- Now if this isn't some cool Kat. I see him occasionally on my lunchtime walks on the perimeter of the UT Campus. click enlarge
Miles this month: 126
Miles this week: 86
Miles this year: 4,808
Greeted New Days: 21,238
It seems to me that pressure is put upon us common folks needlessly. It's like the more complicated things are the more sophisticated they are and if I have a complicated life therefore I am more sophisticated. The silly truth about that is that I tend to fall for it time and again.
Don't ask me what the heck I am talking about because I don't know at this time of day. But I did get a Camelbak Mule yesterday. Last Monday's test ride showed me that having lots of water is a very good idea. Not only to drink but to cook my cous cous with at the end of the day. When I loaded my bike with the panniers full with the checklist off all the things I plan to ride with, it felt like it weighed between 80 and 100 lbs. My next trick will be to lower the weight while keeping the water content as high as possible.
I am going to send some care packages to specific locations across my path. Food and fuel. That should help with the cargo weight situation.
Any comments?